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Tipton Elementary School - Kiwanis Club

April 06, 2010

This is a letter that was sent home with our students from the afterschool program announcing our partnership with Kiwanis Club of Tipton

April 6, 2010
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On April 1, 2010 Tipton Elementary School and the Kiwanis Club of Tipton have partnered together for the afterschool program.
Our objective is always and will be for the students to excel academically, behavioral, and socially.
The first priority will be to improve each student’s academics, with support in classroom performance and disciplinary actions.
Tipton Elementary School and the Kiwanis Club will always provide a safe, educational and enriching environment for your child/children to learn and succeed in their life.
The hours will remain the same, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:50 p.m. to 5:30 p.m... Wednesday’s from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Both buses will be leaving at 5:30 p.m. except for Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Griesbach at 752-4213 ext 703 or myself at 752-4213 ext 713 or 804-6631.
We thank you for support and cooperation.
Iva Sousa
Afterschool Director
Abril 6, 2010
Estimadas Padres y guardians:
La escuela primaria de Tipton y el Club Kiwanis de Tipton estan en conjunto con  el programa despues de escuela desde el primero de Abril del 2010.
Nuestro objetivo es y sera simpre que nuestros estudiantes sobresalgan, social, personal y académicamente.
Nuestra primema proridad es que cada estudiante mejore academicante siguiendo acciones de disciplina y el apoyo de su clase.
La Escuela Elemental de Tipton y el Club de Kiwanis siempre proveera seguridad, educación, y enriquecimiento academico, asi como el ambiente perfecto para que su hijo/a  aprenda a tener una vida.exitosa.
El horario sera el mismo, Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes de 2:50 p.m. a 5:30 p.m. El Miercoles de 1:30 p.m.a 4:30 p.m. Dos autobuses saldran a las 5:30 p.m. con excepción del Miercoles que saldra a las 4:30 p.m.
Si tiene preguntas, por favor de comunicarce con Mrs. Griesbach al 752-4213 ext 703 o al 752-4213 ext 713, 804-6631 con la Sra Sousa.
Gracias por su ayuda y cooperación,
Iva Sousa
Directora del Programaa después de escuela

Diner Book Fair

March 16, 2010

Our "Diner" Book Fair began on Monday, March 15 and we got off to a great start.

We are at 4% of our goal of $2,850.00.

Way to go Tipton students!!!!!

Laura Bush Grant Awarded

May 27, 2009

The contents of the letter:

Congratulations Letter from the Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries:

"It is my pleasure to inform you that your school library has been selected to receive a grant award through the Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries. The grant award and correspondence will be mailed within the next 3-5 business days. A final report will be due for this grant by May 3, 2010, please note the final report format is attached.

Congratulations and Best Wishes for your continued success".


Alicia Reid

Grants Manager

Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries

At Tipton School Library we are estatic with this great news. I will keep everyone posted on the progression of this grant.

Hoooraaayyyy!!!! Tipton School Library

Iva Sousa

Library/Media Technician 

February 04, 2009

The Library asks everyone to "Pay It Forward".....

The power to "Pay It Forward" begins with each and everyone of us.

Let's begin 2009 with a revolution with each and every of us. The power of paying it forward effects not just one person but it snowballs to inspire and educate each and every of us. Let's join hands in the power of "Pay It Forward" by demonstrating the six pillars of character which are:

Fairness, Citizenship, Trustworthiness, Respect, Caring, Responsiblity.

Teachers turn in your names of students to the Library that have excelled in this movement of "Pay it Forward"

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